
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions for which patients seek help from a dermatologist. It is an inflammatory process that begins deep in the hair follicle and manifests on the surface of the skin. The face is the most common location but the neck, upper arms, chest, and back can also be affected. There are multiple contributing factors to the cause of acne. Inflammation, bacteria, overproduction of oil, hormones, and abnormalities of keratinization all play a role in causing acne. While it is typically thought of as a teenage condition, it can affect people of all ages.

Treatment And Care

Why S. Albertson is different

Here at S. Albertson Dermatology, we take your acne seriously. We don’t believe that acne is simply a right of passage for all teenagers and will eventually pass on its own. Each treatment plan is tailored to meet the needs of your specific type of acne. Treatments for acne can range from topical creams to oral medications. Common creams include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinoids, clindamycin, dapsone, sulfacetamide/sulfur, and azelaic acid. Oral medications include antibiotics, hormonal agents, and isotretinoin.

Acne dermatologic treatment in Idaho Falls

Types of Acne

Unique to You

Also referred to as closed comedones, whiteheads are a common form of acne. Typically yellow to white in color they can range in size from 1-4mm. This represents an abnormality in the keratinization of the hair follicle leading to a build up of natural skin oils and dead skin cells. 

Also referred to as open comedones, blackheads are a common form of acne. A central opening allows for oxidation of the contents which turns it black leading to the name. This represents an abnormality in the keratinization of the hair follicle leading to a build up of natural skin oils and dead skin cells. 

Acne dermatologic treatment in Idaho Falls

When a blackhead or whitehead becomes mildly inflamed it can turn into a papule (elevated bump). Increasing inflammation around the follicle due to the abnormal keratinization leads to redness and more elevation of the acne spots. These are often referred to as “zits” or “pimples”. 

As the inflammation continues to increase this can lead to rupture of the base of the hair follicle. This rupture leads to more inflammation and the production of pus. As the pus builds up forming a white bump this can lead to tenderness and more redness. These are commonly referred to as “zits” or “pimples”.

How S. Albertson Can Help

See the difference

Here at S. Albertson Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center we tailor each individual treatment based on the type of acne you have. While it is important not to over treat, it is equally as important not to under treat. With a variety of topical and oral medications available we can work together to find the best treatment plan for your skin. We are confident that we can make you feel more confident about yourself by clearing your acne in a safe and effective way.