Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer. It most commonly affects fair skinned individuals but can affect all skin types. Risk factors for developing basal cell carcinoma include sun exposure, radiation therapy, positive family history, fair complexion, persons that easily sunburn, and history of blistering sunburns. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun causes damage to the DNA of skin cells which leads to uncontrolled growth of the cells and tumor formation. If left untreated basal cell carcinoma will continue to grow and if left long enough could spread to other parts of your body.

Understanding Your Skin

Treatment And Care

Why S. Alberson is Different

Here at S. Albertson Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center we specialize in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma. We take skin cancer very seriously. It is important to receive the proper treatment to ensure that the tumor is completely removed. Leaving behind any of the bad skin cells can lead to recurrence. We use clinically proven up to date methods to remove basal cell carcinoma to reduce the risk of tumor recurrence. You can rest easy knowing that your skin cancer was treated appropriately with the most advanced techniques.

Basal Cell Carcinoma dermatologic treatment in Idaho Falls

Type of Basal Cell Carcinoma

Unique to You

Acne dermatologic treatment in Idaho Falls

The majority of basal cell carcinomas are nodular type. It is composed of waxy partially translucent nodules that form around a central depression. This type often has a shiny or pearly appearance when light hits at a certain angle. Under magnification you can often visualize small vessels traversing across the tumor. Bumping the lesion will often lead to bleeding.

Morpheaform basal cell carcinoma also referred to as cicatricial makes up about 2-6% basal cell carcinoma subtypes. Clinically it appears as a white sclerotic flat lesion that can resemble a scar. It may ulcerate and become crusted. Blood vessels can be seen traversing the lesion but less commonly than in the nodular subtype.

Infiltrative subtype of basal cell carcinoma largely gets its name from how the tumor cells look under the microscope. The cells under high magnification form spiky islands that demonstrate an invasive pattern. It is important to recognize this pattern under the microscope in order to get proper treatment. Clinically these lesions can look like any of the other subtypes of basal cell carcinoma.

As the name suggests, superficial basal cell carcinomas are superficial in the skin and not running deep. They are only in the top layers of the skin and are unlikely to be invasive. Clinically it will present as a slightly elevated dry crusted skin lesion. These are more common than morpheaform and infiltrative subtypes but less common than nodular basal cell carcinomas. Given the superficial nature of the tumor it will tend to follow a more indolent course.

How Can We Help

See the Difference

At S. Albertson Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center we are equipped to treat basal cell carcinoma with all best treatment methods. Depending on your specific subtype and the location on your body we will select the most appropriate method of treatment. Treatment options include surgical removal, oral medications, radiation therapy, and local destruction. We will counsel with you to personalize your treatment and find the best method of removal.