
Moles are a very common skin finding. Nevus is another name for mole. They represent a collection of melanocyte cells in the skin. Melanocytes are the cells in your skin that form pigment. Typically they are brown in color and may be flat or raised. Some moles you are born with and others you acquire as you age into your thirties and forties. The majority of moles are benign or non-worrisome but occasionally moles can turn into skin cancer. For this reason it is important to have your moles evaluated by a dermatologist.

Understanding Your Skin

Treatment And Care

Why S. Albertson Is Different

At S. Albertson Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center we specialize in mole monitoring and evaluation. With the use of hand held dermatoscopes we are able to evaluate your moles under magnification. By using this magnifying device we are able to identify features in moles that could be turning a good mole into a bad mole. This allows for earlier detection of potentially cancerous moles. Early detection is key to treating skin cancer. If a mole looks suspicious we take a skin biopsy and send it for microscopic evaluation.

Mole dermatologic treatment in Idaho Falls

Types of Moles

Unique to You

Moles dermatologic treatment in Idaho Falls

Congenital moles are moles that you are born with. They can be categorized by size: giant (>40cm), large (20-40cm), medium (2-20cm), and small (<2cm). The larger it is the higher the risk of developing a melanoma with that mole. Clinically they present as elevated brown skin lesions.

Acquired moles are not present at birth but will develop through childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood. They can be flat or raised and are typically brown in color. Sun exposure will lead to the development of more moles. The more moles a person has the higher their risk of developing melanoma.

Blue nevi are a less common type of mole. They typically present in childhood and adolescence but can appear in adults as well. As the name suggests they have a blue color to them. Most common locations include scalp, sacral area, and extremities. Most blue nevi are non-worrisome but they should be monitored to changes and total number on the body.

Atypical moles are moles that have a strange shape and/or color when evaluated in the clinic. Though they are often fine, they require regular evaluation. These moles are often biopsied as they can represent precursor lesions to melanoma. They are graded under microscopic evaluation on a scale from mild to severe in atypia. Treatment is based on the degree of atypia.

How We Can Help

See the Difference

At S. Albertson Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center we are experts on moles. While most moles are nothing to worry about, some moles require removal to ensure that the cells have not turned cancerous. The average person should have their moles checked by a dermatologist at least annually. If you notice a mole is changing then it should definitely be evaluated. We offer regular mole checks and monitoring. You can leave your appointment confident that your moles have been checked for any unwanted changes.